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Patriot Trainers

EVERY day we are growing!  I am expanding my team to help me make AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!


If you are interested in joining my team please email me, we are always looking for Patriots who have the same mission in mind! 


Meet Trainers Shawn and Kathy!

Kathy and Shawn live in North Carolina with their dog Booms, who they love ALMOST as much as their adorable grandkids. 

They have been in the fitness and nutrition field for over a decade now.

Both have very different reasons for their passion and love for health and fitness and sharing it with others. 

Kathy will tell you she has not always had the best relationship with food and working out. After years of yo-yo dieting, she finally sought out the help of a nutrition coach and her life began to transform at the age of 40 (it's never too late to start). She vowed that she would help as many people as possible avoid the same mistakes that she made throughout her journey.

Shawn loves to excel in everything he sets his mind to, so it was no surprise after he fell in love with working out, he went on to compete in multiple bodybuilding shows to win in Masters, Open, and Novice competitions. He has always loved helping others, but his turning point came after watching his father pass away and knowing it could have been avoided by proper health and nutrition. He made a vow that he would help as many people as he could that wanted to make lifestyle changes to become healthier versions of themselves.

As coaches, and as someone who has personally experienced the modern-day diet culture, they don’t believe in a one size fits all approach for nutrition coaching, which is why Kathy is a Certified Nutrition Coach and Shawn is Certified in Sports & Fitness Nutrition: as well as a Certified Nutrition Coach. They both love how proper nutrition can change EVERYTHING - body composition, performance, energy and hormonal balance.

They absolutely love helping people find their confidence with nutrition and fitness. Helping people find their inner strength to start healthy habits, lose weight or break a plateau builds character and an unbreakable mindset. They want everyone to feel this power and understand they can be their own biggest fans.

Shawn & Kathy will tell you they are convinced good things come to those that work hard. So, while motivation, determination and energy aren't always there, Shawn & Kat will be there to cheer you on and remind you how awesome you are and to help you reach your goals. 


Shawn and Kathy have friends with Jen for almost 20 years. They are true Patriots and available for hire. They are amazing at what they do.  Jen highly recommends them both.  For more information how to work with them contact Jen at 


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